DAMA Ukraine Kyiv
Ukrainian Data Management Community

To be part of the DAMA community in Ukraine
Monthly exclusive events for members are dedicated to discussing current data management issues
Discounts of up to 25% on professional literature and publications from https://technicspub.com/ (subject to specific terms)
The right to vote at the general meeting of the organization
The possibility of being elected to the governing bodies of the NGO "DAMA Ukraine Kyiv"
Promotion of career growth and job search
The opportunity to join working groups and influence the development of the field of data management
Rewards for the most active participants, including 1 free ticket to the Enterprise Data World conference from dataversity.net
Discounts on courses to prepare for CDMP certification
Discounts on events, trainings and conferences from our partners
Possibility to use our library https://dama-ukraine-kyiv.librarika.com/
*Important disclaimer: some of the benefits are subject to change or specific terms, reach out to our team in case you need to confirm specific benefits you might get from being a member.
Сприяння кар'єрному зростанню та пошуку вакансій
Можливість долучатись до робочих груп та впливати на розвиток сфери управління данимиВинагороди для найактивніших учасників, серед яких 1 безкоштовний квиток на конференцію Enterprise Data World від dataversity.net
Знижки на події та тренінги наших партнерів